I want to loan money from a friend or organisation. How do I protect myself?

  • Introduction: Our platform focuses on specific administrative/legal needs of people concerning debt collection processes which emanate and are formalized by Loan Agreements.
  • Why is the process needed: Documenting the Loan agreements will normally provide a legal basis for a claim in any courts in Kenya.

Additionally, it is from the Loan agreements, that parties understand their obligations and enshrine provisions for breach of the same.

  • Risk/what happens if the process is not undertaken: Failure to have a Loan Agreement causes many issues which can only be determined by a court of Law.

Set out below is a summary of the requirements, the procedure and the time frame for preparing Loan Agreements.


  1. Obtain information on the Borrower and the Lender
  2. Know the Loan Amounts
  3. Prepare the Loan Agreement


  • A copy of the Borrower’s and Lender’s Identity card
  • A copy of the Borrower’s and Lender’s KRA P.I.N.


Two (2) days


Direct Cost (Stamp Duty Amount): K.Shs.240/=
Disbursement fee: K.Shs.2,000/=

For further and more detailed information on the above we recommend that you contact an Advocate.
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  • info@microjustice.org

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