- Introduction: Tovuti yetu inazingatia mahitaji yako kuhusu kukodisha ofisi.
- Why is the process needed: Unapokodisha ofisi, mpangaji atapewa hati ya kukodisha na mwenye ofisi.
Hati hii ya kukodisha ndiyo itathibitisha kuwa wewe ndiye mpangaji wa ofisi hiyo.
Faida ya mchakato huu ni kuwa, mwenye ofisi atapata malipo kutoka kwa mpangaji, naye mpangaji wa ofisi atakuwa mmiliki aliyesajiliwa wa ofisi hiyo.
- Risk/what happens if the process is not undertaken: Lack of the proper documentation to prove that you are indeed the Lessee has many legal repercussions as you not only do not have proof of ownership but you can also be denied exclusive possession to the premises where they is contention.
Miongozo ya mchakato huu ni kama ifuatavyo: