Marehemu alifariki bila kuacha wosia. Kama familia tutagawanya mali yake vipi?
Introduction: Tovuti yetu inalenga maswala ya kutatua mambo iwapo marehemu alifariki bila kuacha wosia.
Utumbo ni wakati ambapo marehemu anafariki bila kuacha wosia.
Risk/what happens if the process is not undertaken: The major risk in respect to the above process is that the court processes take so much time and money and hence delaying the process.
Why is the process needed: However, once the case is determined then the parties or rather the beneficiaries can legally access the deceased’s property and even own the property.
Miongozo ya mchakato huu ni kama ifuatavyo:
Tengeneza hati za mahakamani
Faili hati mahakamani
Faili ombi kwenye Gazeti la serikali
Kusikilizwa kwa mahakama
Hati unazohitaji
Original Title documents in respect of the Deceased’s Assets
Cheti cha Kifo
Barua kutoka kwa chifu inayodhibitisha walengwa
nakala za vitambulisho vya wategemezi, walengwa, watawala na wadhamini
nakala za cheti cha kutoa ushuru cha wadhamini
Takriban miaka miwili
Direct Costs: Filing Fees to be determined by the relevant court
Disbursement fee: K.Shs.15,000/=