Introduction: Tovuti yetu inazingatia mahitaji yako kuhusu jinsi ya kufunga kampuni yako.
Why is the process needed: This is the coming to end of a Company and the legal processes that are involved to ensure that the name of the Company is removed from the Register held at the Companies Registry.
Risk/what happens if the process is not undertaken: Lack of undertaking the above has legal effects as one would be required to file taxes in respect of the Company regardless of the fact that it is not a going concern.
Miongozo ya mchakato huu ni kama ifuatavyo:
Fungu akaunti ya E-Citizen
Funga kampuni yako
Hati unazohitaji
nakala ya cheti cha usajili cha kampuni
Takriban Siku Tisini
Direct Cost: K.Shs.4,000/=
Disbursement fee: K.Shs.2,000/=